In the traditional sense, a “Mesa” is an alter. When we open our mesa, we are dialoging with ourselves, our guides, and we open a space ‘between the worlds’.
A mesa is used for healing work. The first level of the work is the development of a dialog with yourself and learning the language of symbol, color and sensory messages. It is the development of your relationship with your own unconscious self. It is the development of SACRED space. S.A.C.R.E.D. means opening a “special area created as respect especially for the divine.” As you are the center of your mesa, you are beginning to relate to your inner self as that divine connection.
Working with our inner selves, moving energy, doing healing work, and personal journeys for information, the mesa is our personal expression, and the development of a deep connection to our own inner world. It is the dance between our conscious mind and our unconscious mind. The mesa becomes the bridge between our selves.
We first read the layout of our mesa, feeling into it. And then we decide what we want instead, and change it. The Qero believe in the influencing of our futures, not just reading them. They take a more proactive engagement with the time lines and luminous threads that we move along on.
Different mesas, stones, layouts, and expressions of personal self are taught and awakened. No two are the same, and often the mesa changes from month to month, day to day. As we are dynamic beings so is our mesa. It is an energetic living force, and we come to the mesa for change, for power, for strength, for steadying, for information, we come with gratitude, with respect and with humility. When we open our mesa, we are opening sacred space, and we are opening our own communion with the energetic world around us.
Our mesa then, is a portal of communication, and an opening for change.
So the first question to ourselves is how are things, and the second is what do I want instead of this? We track and align with what we are engaging, what we chose, and what we move away from. It is an active relationship with our inner selves which is expressed in out outer world.
THe shaman always works on themselves to affect change around them.