When doing a raw diet, or raw transition diet, please make sure you are getting enough oils. Societies that have a high vegetable often have very oily dishes and I think that this may be why. Olive oil is added to many many dishes, and from the outside it might seem excessive but now, I understand! If we aren't getting our fats from animal protein, we must get it somehow, and not just for our skin, but for our BRAIN function. Without sufficient omega 3 oils, we just don't think or process as well.
On one of my other blogs, Shamans In The Raw, we've been posting recipes and nutritional information, as well as our own 'raw-ish' journals, for four years now and there is a lot of information on it. Here are links to 3 articles I wrote on nutrition and the brain that you might find interesting.
Omega 3 oils and the Brain
Benefits of Fish Oil and the Brain
B6, Zinc and B12