A) How frugal have I forced my body to be?
B) How has being rebellious served me?
C) And does THIS serve me now or is it a habit?
D) How has this compromise played out in my life?
E) How often have I compromised and not satisfied myself?
F) How old am I when I am feeling rebellious?
G) Was the shame there first?
H) What am I not wanting to look at/deal with? (that I've buried)
I) What do you do to regain the trust of the inner child?
J) What else have I not been noticing about myself?
K) What is it about 'being told what to do' that bothers me?
L) What is it about 'self discipline' that irks me?
M) What is it about being limited? Restricted?
N) What is the emotion hiding in my fatcells?
O) When did we become ashamed of our body/part?
P) Why haven't I wanted to deal with this issue?
Q) How am I missing what my own fear really is by being angry at someone else?
R) How does keeping "the issue" serve me now?
S) What does it take for my child to be at peace?
T) How many ways have I denied myself my self?
U) When did I become afraid of the future?
V) I CAN have it. Do I really want it?
W) How can I define what success is?
X) When am I going to fit this in to my life/schedule?
Y) DO I really want the life I say I want, the body I say I want?
Z) If you follow when you had your bliss, where does it take you?