Play some more
Don’t hesitate a second
Do taste everything
and immediately spit it out if you don’t like it
Feel IT all completely
Yell if we need to
Cry if we have to
and finish with a chuckle
Expect to get what you are after, one way or another
Trust that we are being watched over
Learn something new every day
LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH Did I say laugh already? It stands repeating!
Smile at everyone you meet!
Repeat back to everyone everything you hear, exactly as you heard it
Know that what you learn today, may need to be updated tomorrow when you’ve learnt even more!
Look life right in the eye, throw back your head and laugh!
So maybe being fifty isn’t about finally being an adult.
Maybe being fifty is about finally NOT being an adult…I never thought of that!

And try your wings-you have helping hands all around you!