The more oxytocin produced, the more sensitive our cell receptors become to it. So it's a positive feedback cycle, unlike dopamine. Dopamine receptors become less sensitive which is why we need 'more' to get the 'same' affect. With oxytocin-the more we give the more we get. Sound familiar? I've heard that where was it...the BIBLE!
The "give to receive" motto could very well be a biblical formula for balancing our BRAIN CHEMISTRY.
Oxytocin is made in the hypothalamus, and stored in the pituitary. Some is in the amygdala and trusting behavior is influenced by these receptors-but only if the amygdala is CALM and not freaking out slamming down on the red alert button.

Oxytocin, even though it's secreted from a brain area (pituitary) it can't enter back into the brain that way. It has to enter back via circulation through the body and back via behavior change. Interesting eh? We get it by 'giving it away', again, a biblical mandate. The oxytocin has to go out into 'the world' of the body, have an effect, and via that effect, we get it back.
Give to receive.
They've found oxytocin receptors in the heart rats. Why would God put oxytocin receptors in the heart of a rat and NOT in our hearts? Doesn't make sense does it? Let's take a big leap and say that the more oxytocin we secrete by giving, the bigger our heart gets because the more loving we become. The more loving we are to others, the more we get back. it's a whole biochemical loop.
BTW-fatty foods stimulate oxytocin release. To this Mr. Science, I want to say DUH! :)
WE know it can feel good to eat. We know we are substituting food for love. But now girls and boys-we can tell you that it is aboslutely BIOCHEMICALLY true.
MDMA-ecstasy-stimulates the release of oxytocin. Now THAT'S interesting!
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