Monday evening we begin a new shamanic class through the U.
There are just a few openings left! We will be doing drumming journeys every week, learning to connect to the energies of the planet. You'll journey to meet your totem animals, your guides. You will begin to build your shamanic alter space, called a 'mesa' that is a sacred union between you and you that forms a bridge between the worlds.
We will create a sacred space and you will begin to learn to navigate in and out of magical places...and have fun! I had a couple come one series. Older and very sweet both of them. She talked, he didn't much. The first night when we went to journey, instead of laying on the floor and relaxing, he crossed his arms over his chest and sat in a chair. He didn't close his eyes. He watched me as I guided the rest, lights lowered, into that under world.
Afterwards they shared their journeys, one by one, sweet, gentle, funny. When it was his turn I asked him why he decided not to go? It was ok, but I was curious. He said "Well I'm not going into that EVIL place!" and he looked challengingly at me as if it had been a test.
I realized I had forgotten how we are, we civilized people. I smiled.
I said, "You know, they are a simple people. When indigenous cultures say they are going into the under world, they mean it. Into the under..." and I pointed down
"world. Vs here in the middle world, and" I pointed up "to the upper world." I paused.
"That's all. They really mean, we are journeying into the belly of the mother, back to the beginning, into the earth from where we came. They don't have a concept of hell like we do. They don't have a map of anything fearful there. There are just lost children, fractured soul parts that when they got scared, went back to the mother until the time when we are able to go down and bring them home."
"That's it. They just quite literally mean 'under world. under here. And for them, we are surrounded by helpers, guides and assistance. It's a friendly place. I think you'll like it."
He happily journeyed every week after that...sometimes we only need a little coaxing to come out from behind limiting beliefs that no longer serve us. I think there's enough fear without creating more, don't you?