Saturday, February 14, 2009

Crones Don't Whine

Crone is the word for 'older' woman. Wise woman. Woman of years.

I'm not ready to be a Crone. I think it has a wrinkled sort of sound. What comes to mind is that tottering old medicine woman with long white hair, gnarled fingers, and a wart.

Crone....can't we come up with a better word?

But. A friend just sent me a book to read. "Crones Don't Whine". It's written by Jean Shenoda Bolen, MD. She says crones are about inner development, not outer thighs just sighed.

She has a list of 13 qualities we should cultivate. Here they are:

1. Crones don't whine - it blocks spiritual growth
2. Crones are juicy - with zest, passion, and soul
3. Crones have green thumbs
4. Crones trust what they know in their bones
5. Crones meditate in their fashion
6. Crones are fierce about what matters to them
7. Crones choose the path with heart
8. Crones speak the truth with compassion
9. Crones listen to their bodies
10. Crones improvise
11. Crones laugh together
13. Crones savor the good in their lives

then she says:
Exceptional men can be crones
and my favorite...Crones together can change the world

So maybe this is what the LOL is about? Maybe we are taking a wisdom stand? A crone stand? She says " I envision a third wave of grass-roots international feminism taking the form of women's circles with a spiritual center. When women come together with a commitment to each other, they are creating a vessel of transformation."

Ok ok...let me run 'crone' around the block again...