When we look at our fear, face it, conquer it, it becomes our power. I've said this for years, and others say it in other ways too so again, this isn't new.
So in other words your power is stalking you, knocking on the walls of your consciousness, trying to get in. If your power is an energy, and energy is light, then the light of who you are is stalking you, trying to come up out of the darkness. And it terrifies us.
Then Marianne Williamson is right-our greatest fear is our light. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. Our greatest fear is not of the dark. Our ally is the dark that we hide our light within. Our fear is coming up and out of that safe darkness, and stepping into center stage of our own lives. What does it take for us to come out and play in the light again?
It takes safety. Feeling safe to be who you are is the key. Are you free to be you? Are the people you gather about you supporting you in your light, or do they support your hiding that light and playing a different game? Do they encourage you to spread your wings, or are they threatened by that? Look at those around you for the clues and remember, you cast them in your play. You called them in.
So many adults come for sessions, in pain, in distress, of course, but over and over I find that they locked up their passion, their play, their joy, their creativity and put it away to survive. And our children are struggling without a model of how to play and laugh and enjoy themselves as they are. They are looking to us to show them how to live this life. Can you be exactly who you are? Do you know who you are inside? Can you do it for yourself, and can you do it for your children?
In this work, I am stalking the who you are inside, finding the lost and scared child that got put away until another time. We are all children inside with a grown up body. Come out and play. It's a beautiful day!