Monday, February 23, 2009

Seeing Between the worlds

The eyes really see two images and the brain integrates them into one. WHen everything is working, they overlap and the brain fills in the 'blindspot'.

When you look at a thetagraph, also called a sterogram, your two eyes see one image.
But! If you begin to 'let go' of the one image, you soon see a wholly different 'something'.
This happens when you let your eyes perceive the different images, and you can begin to see 'between the worlds', or what is really hidden beneath/between what your brain is showing us.

It's a great exercise to play with, and begins to teach your brain to perceive in a new way.

Here are a few to play with:

Some say to stare intently, some say to stare slightly above the image itself. I tend to have more success by going 'through' the image. In all cases, you are playing with letting your eyes NOTdeliver one image to you.

Hint: the less you try, the better you do. Isn't that the truth!