Friday, March 6, 2009

Thich Nhat Hanh - Walking Meditation

"We all have a war inside us. What do you regret for yourself?
If you are to come to see this, you must address your fear, your hatred"

This is moving and profound. How do we go through something like the Vietnam war, and still come to peace inside us? We all have a war inside. That's what PTSD is, but that's what we call 'survival switching', then becomes now, and the hippocampus cycles it through again, and reenergizes the circuitry, and the brain sheaths the circuits in myelin...again and again.

We are still struggling in our county with the affects our war within, of our own journey back to peace.

"Diffuse the bombs inside us" he says. Ah. So true.

Watch his walking meditation-it is not a walk to get to a place, and yet it is, for the place is inside.
It is a place of peace within.
And then bringing elements of peace to your daily life.

Why have we come so far from peace inside? Our children are born within the constant noise and movement of our modern lives are overwhelmed. Are we teaching our children peace inside? Do we know how to have peace inside-or are we moving towards even more constant sound and bombardment of our senses?

I'm curious if you have 51 minutes to let yourself watch this gentle message? Let me know if your life has time for 51 minutes?

Coincidentally, last night I wrote about the hippocampus and PTSD, and how high the estimates are for returning soldiers. And I was curious about VIetnam and where we were now with them? I wrote about the hippocampus and brain integration and allowing us to come to peace within.

"Every day when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand new hours to live."

The DVD is called "The Places That Scare You" and is available on