The 7 saywas are direct transmissions of information, a language of light if you will. They speak directly to our luminous field, and imprint on our unconscious selves. Trauma blocks the absorption of this information, knocking different color frequencies off-line.
Our energetic self is a prism of color. We absorb and reflect color-as every living organism on this planet does. Years ago I had the great honor of working in Peru with a great Shaman, and I was gifted a day of seeing the vibrant living light energy of everything. I spent the day in the woods behind Sacsaywuman watching the colors of energy on the leaves, the trees, the water. It was magnificent. I remember thinking "I am so going to MISS THIS!" It is the most magnificent display of light you can imagine.

Spritual and emotional wounding knocks us for a loop. By the same token, if our vital lifeforce energy of red is traumatized, we are unable to balance our lower self. Intestinal trauma haunts us. If you look at the color chart, you can see how rebalancing that red frequency in our selves will help to hold us in a healthy way.
Here's more on the saywas 7 saywas