In Qechua the word AYNI (AIY-nee) is used as a term for balance between people, groups, gatherings, and WASI (WA say)means house. Ayni Wasi can be a definition of community; all things in right relationship.
Our first community to keep in right balance is an internal one. Our body. Our physical body in AYNI, in right balance, is in homeostasis, and even our illnesses are in right balance within the landscape of the whole.
Everything works. In Shamanic work, the shaman always goes INSIDE when he recognizes an imbalance in the OUTER world around him. He corrects himself, and then the external expression comes into AYNI, into balance.
Community, for us Westerners, tends to be about rules that we put on each other. Rules of behavior, rules of engagement, rules of containment. By moving into a certain neighborhood, you may have covenants to maintain. By belonging to an organization or club, there may well be rules to belonging.
We have an internal landscape that has rules. Thinking in very simple terms, think of the chakras, and then even simpler think of colors. Consider the rainbow, a primary archeype that almost every child comes in seeming to know! My son drew rainbows on everything when he was tiny. It is a cellular remembering and understanding that everything in the Universe sings with color, vibrates with it, embraces it.
Every color has it's own frequency, and it takes all colors, all frequencies, together, to make a rainbow. We all smile and sigh when we see a rainbow, with it's mighty strength and vision. We point excitedly, get out cameras, feel peace surround us. A rainbow is magical.
There are 7 saywas (SAY-wa)in the Qero teaching tradition. The saywas are bridges that connect people to their own luminous nature. Each saywa has it's own teaching and imprint, but we need all 7 ultimately, to be whole. Most people are now aware of the luminous field, and the nature of chakras, and the corresponding colors. If you are not aware, there are many fine books and websites that talk to this. We are speaking of something slightly different however. We are talking about the true essence of light in the energetic realm.
When we are traumatized, we lose something. We quite literally lose lifeforce, we lose color, our vibration is lowered. Remember, the rainbow isn't a rainbow with one of the colors missing. By the same token, we are not our best if we are missing a frequency from our internal rainbow essence.
Each SAYWA has it's own message to offer us, each has it's own significance. They understand that this is the vital lifeforce energy that has created the Universe and everything in it. They understand that no one color is any more or less vital than any other, but that each has it's own message, teaching for us. These color forces are sentient energies that permeate the universe. When you begin to see auras you see that all living things have light force.
To really understand how light is mixed you have to understand that the 3 primary colors are RED, BLUE, and GREEN when mixing light, not the red, blue and yellow we have when mixing paint. Rainbows are circular, not linear, and our body forms the same way.
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