So much of our fear and trauma patterning is reactive in nature. Why do we react, sometimes intensely, to seemingly minor stimulus?
Milton Erickson and David Cheek identified a particular state of self hypnosis that was spontaneous and run by the limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. It is an automatic process, that is a psycho-physiological response that happens whenever we are emotionally or physically overwhelmed. The purpose is to "contain" the emotional or physical pain of that experience until some future time when we can handle it. Unfortunately it's buried in the subconsious so we can't really say "come out come out".
This process is subconscious, and it is automatic. We don't think about activating it when we are overwhelmed. We don't have to. It takes place in 8/10s of a second, or less, and carries a powerful emotional charge, because whenever one fragment is triggered, it ALL comes up.
The thing about the subconsious mind-it has no concept of linear time. Linear time is a creation of our conscious mind. Trauma is only as far away as that 8/10s of a second or less, to the subconscious mind.
Inorder for us to reclaim our light body, our life force, we have to reclaim those splinters of self that have been caught in time holding trauma for us. We want to thank ourselves for doing this sacred job so that we could go on. AND it's time to call ourselves back to us. It's time to change our focus.