Monday, August 17, 2009

What do you Believe, and why?

Tonight I got an email from a reliable friend. HE is angry that Americans are so easily led that we are arguing to KEEP a healthcare system that is now ranked 37th in the world. I got curious and looked things up here...
WHO's ranking of world's health systems

and we are ranked #2 as the most expensive...and so I looked this up too...
world health expenditure by country

Maybe it's so that we can live longer? Maybe it's worth it for that reason, you say? I wondered that.
health rankings by country

Nope. Japan, Australia, France, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Greece, fact we are ranked 24th. We are behind the statistics for male longevity by 5 years-for all our expensive healthcare!

The U.S. spent, in 2008, $2.4 TRILLION with 46 million people uninsured and 25 million underinsured. What is wrong with this picture? I don't use our insurance much, in fact. We have it for emergencies, and the USA has got good emergency care.

Did you know too, that medical debt is the major factor for half the bankruptcies filed?
How about if we wipe out the debt of anyone that isn't cured? How about if someone dies, they owe NOTHING.
What do you think would happen then? "We're so sorry, we did our medical best. Go in peace." Instead, we still ask that they lose everything that they have to pay a bill for something that didn't work out. I have a friend who's child died, and they in fact were obligated to continue to pay the debt! wow.

No other country excludes their citizens from adequate healthcare because of cost. 16% of our country cannot afford healthcare. That's an amazing statistic!

Here's the deal: don't believe any article. Read lots of them. And read the statistics yourself. Do NOT get you information from one source only, and don't get it from your hair dresser. Sorry folks. It is NOT the reliable source it used to be! :)
And-if you have an opinion, question it. Vigorously! Yourself! DISconfirm it. Try.

The #1 safest job industry in the nation is - healthcare. Why? Because we are being marketed into ill health.
We are being marketed into paying huge healthcare premiums based on fear marketing.
And we are NOT the healthiest nation by a long shot.
World's healthiest Countries list may just surprise you!

We want to believe the myth of being the best. We don't want to believe anything different, so we don't look. Pay attention and look for yourself.