There are 7 saywas (SAY-wa) in the Qero teaching tradition. The saywas are bridges that connect people to their own luminous nature. Each saywa has it's own teaching and imprint, but we need all 7 ultimately. They have a slightly different, simpler, interpretation of the chakra energy that we have come to know from the Indi culture.

KAWSAY (KOW sigh) is life-lifeforce, it is the primal energy of all. It is life itself.
When we are traumatized, we literally have the life knocked out of us.
Red - is a primary color in light. It is single and absolute. When wer are traumatized, we quite literally begin to lose lifeforce energy.
Ist chakra - coccyx
NURAQ (NEW RAY) - spirit - is the awareness of our psychism and the ability to see and know that all life is animated, all energy is sentient, all has spirit. We have the ability to change shapes, perceptual states and step in and out of our highest connections.
Indigo - is a primary color, meaning that we all come to this life with this ability. Because of traumatizing events, we begin to shut this awareness down directly because of overwhelm. The more safe we feel in our lives, the more we begin to reawaken and live from this center.
6th chakra - 3rd eye
MUNAY (MOO niy) - love - is unconditional love, in all its forms and expressions. To be in MUNAY, means to come from your heart. If we keep this as a guiding principle, everything above and below falls into right order. Remember that all the chakras balance and connect through the heart as if it were a giant figure eight. The path of munay is the path of love. When they allow themselves to come fully from love, they understand there is nothing else.
Green is a primary color in light. it effects other colors.
4th chakra - Heart
When we are in right balance the complimentary frequencies are:
YUYAK (YOU yak) - wisdom - is a process of bringing our experiences to a level of acceptance and this grows us into wisdom.
Yellow - the frequency of intellect, but body intellect as well as head. Common sense, wisdom gleaned from the years of experience. This is a prized frequency, and is likened to Father Sun, Inti.
This chakra is the one we cover when we feel insecure or threatened. It is highly empathic, and we are first and foremost a feeling organism. In order for this frequency to shine within our fields, we must have the balance of red life force and green heart love open. If either hold trauma, we are unable to fully confront life.
3rd chakra - solar plexus.
CHULLAQ (CHUL lay) - oneness - is the recognition of the connection of all to everything and everything to all, and the ability to voice it. Cullaq claims our destiny, it calls us to our rightful place. Many are out of balance here, denying themselves their own voice, and their own oneness.
Cyan - a balance of the green of the heart, and the deep blue of the 3rd eye. It has to hold between two energies, and stay balanced between the heart feeling and the psychic knowing. When we have an imbalance in either our psychic body or our feeling body, we cannot step forward and speak our truth with assuredness.
The rights of the seer in the Inka traditions come from connecting the heart to the 3rd eye. This brings in the complimentary frequency of cyan, or the ability to speak from one's truth for we can "see" clearly.
5th chakra - throat
CHECKAQ (CHEC kay) - truth, and to the Qero, there is only one truth, and that truth is about love, and the balance between our actions and our thoughts in ayni. (balance).
Magenta - is a right balance of the lifeforce energy red and the spritual wisdom and psychism of blue. Only when we are embracing the right balance of knowing with lifeforce energy do we bring in our full creative life force energies and access our passion and what we have come into this lifetime to do. This is an unseen freqency in the rainbow, and many think that orange is the correct 2nd chakra frequency, but orange is only a transition color. Orange has been the frequency of the 2nd chakra until now. Now, we are attempting to truly bring in our disowned feminine power, whether male or female.
Our true frequency when the male and female is in correct balance within us is magenta. Within the teachings of the Zohar, this is the color of Shekinah, the hidden feminine that will rebalance the planet. Magenta is an invisible color on the rainbow. It is beyond that which we can "see". It must be felt, and embodied to bring us to balance, and we must reach for what we cannot see and trust that it is there.
2nd chakra - sexual organs
KALLARIY (Kal LAR ee) - embodiment - when we accept our personal journey as our own truth, and we accept ourselves as we are. We manifest at will, and are connected to the maps of conscious creation and step out of the traps of ego
White - is a mix of all colors in right balance within us, the full rainbow. The Qero call it our rainbow plume of light that springs forth from our head like a waterfall of light.
7th chakra - crown