Friday, June 19, 2009

Woman and the Red Dragon

Woman and the Red Dragon from Edgar Cayce

This is a short snip of an interpretation from John's prophecies.
7 angels, 7 trumpets
a pregnant woman being chased by a red dragon with 7 gold crowns, the beast of rebellion.

The pregnant woman represents our application of spiritual principles.

The challenge of living our spiritual truth as we are pursued.
Anyone feeling pursued?

Wings of an Eagle-to fly to sanctuary

The dragon is the accuser and it pours out floods of water from it's mouth-the flood of emotions that come with a flood of hormones?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Emotions and Structure

Emotions come and go like the waves, unless we assign meaning to them. If we hold them, and grow them or dam them up, the energy builds.

Emotion doesn't have shape and form. But if we give those emotions form, by taking the feelings and defining them then we have created a structure, and that structure is called 'belief'.

"I believe the world is unsafe" is the belief that comes from the emotion of fear, and the feeling in the body of that emotional tension and stress.

It's a bit like taking symptoms and calling them a particular disease. We name it and now it has a force, a structure, a reality.

Like taking a negative energy field, and then imagining a face and naming it and suddenly we have a demon. It's more real? Or is it still the same energy? Is the energy still the feeling? Is the feeling an emotion? And is the emotion inside us? Is that what started it? Was that the energetic attractor?

Playing with concepts. and forms. But in the Biblical text, we 'name' things to make them real. When 'God' named things, he made them come alive.

Maybe we should be careful what we name? Hmmm? What if we leave it in the undefined realm?

Saturday, June 13, 2009


no emotion, any more than a wave, can long retain its own individual form.
henry ward beecher

Trauma Resolution

We've created quite an interesting mix in this country:

The people that have trained in trauma...what it is, how to help someone, how to talk it, how to guide them, are legally bound NOT to touch. Ah ah ah. Talk, don't touch. It violates their licensing to touch someone. I'm talking about Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers. Talk don't touch.

Then we have people licensed to touch. Ah! But they aren't allowed to talk. No 'talk therapy'. So emotional issues come up and LEGALLY they aren't allowed to deal with it or help their client. Massage therapists. Touch-don't talk.

When did we get so muddled? When did we divide the body from the mind? Legally? Licensing the separation? I've often said we've been villifying touch. We've literally outlawed it

and yet, we know that touch heals.
We know that touch calms.
We know that we crave touch, that cell talks to cell and that alone will shift people if they are ready.

So why have we come to this split and what will it take to reconcile it? Maybe kinesiology!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

International Trauma Conference in Boston

Having spent a week out East with top experts in the 'traumonology" field, oh yes there is one, I came away with many feelings, which in turn are really new beliefs!

First and most important for no one but me...
1. I DO know what I am doing!
and then...
2. The so called experts don't have a clue, and that degree they have...hmmmm is nice but doesn't say a whole lot about getting to the real answers.

Maybe I'm being harsh. Oh ok, I am. I know it. I'm being judgmental and opinionated and narrow. AND it's because these experts with the funding and the degrees and the research don't have any answers about actually relieving trauma. They are studying it, revealing it, and so are validating it. But relieving it? Take a pill.

Maybe it's because they haven't experienced trauma themselves?

They have theories. They then present those theories. Their degrees get them funding and then they peddle it as a validated conclusion. I get why pharmacology has so swept the field and the market. The own the money, and the money controls just how you write up your proposal to get that grant. It might not be what you want to do, but by damn you have to eat too. And a grant gets you 2-5 years of funding. Ok so it's not what you had in mind, but it's money. Everyone sighs.

I watched credentialed medical take umbridge with the upstarts that think they have found solutions. How dare they? WE have 20 years of science behind us. But not solutions. They can tell you what is happening, where it is happening and what it does to us, but not how to relieve it. And well meaning 'healers' say over and over 'but what about the energetic body' to which biochemists said 'we can't measure it-I do science." So why are they so threatened by solutions?

Why indeed.
A new bright and shiny toy in the sandbox might just take away the attention, and funding. No one wants to lose their funding. Especially not now. No one really wants a solution as long as we can wring our hands and discuss the problem 'again'. Hmmmm

I felt like a country girl being taken to the Queen's court and watching all the backbiting and under currents without being connected to it. Why would one want to take that on? Validity? Vindication? Applause? Oh please. A pipe-dream (and I do mean the good smoke kinda dream)

All very complicated and very treacherous. A wrong word to the wrong person and off with your head! Tip toe through the academic funding world. I see why so many good people don't survive that climate and why the ones that do must have a strong ego and drive, and quite possibly a bit of larceny in their soul. And a big dash of schmoozability in their pocket.

When do we say 'done' and move to solution sets? See, talking about 'the problem' gets you more understanding at the conscious level, but it doesn't relieve the feelings and trauma state at the subconscious and unconscious levels. And all that conscious processing-validates that you really do have a right to feel the way you do, which makes it more real, not less.

In other words, we are feeding the wrong wolf.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Richard Gerber-Vibrational Medicine

"If physicians understood that emotional and spiritual blockages were indirectly responsible for organ dysfunction in the body, there would be more attention directed to dealing with a patient's psychotherapeutic needs and not just with the pharmaceutical and surgical aspects of a patient's care." pg 393 Vibrational Medicine/Richard Gerber

If you haven't picked this book up, I'd suggest it. He correlates so many of the energy healing technique we are familiar with, as well as many others, and each time I pick it up I learn something new.

Here's a bit I got today:
pg 201
"Electrographic scans of the body demonstrate that acupuncture points GLOW BRIGHTLY when their associated meridian is out of balance, thus allowing an alternative method of disease detection. Stimulation of acupuncture points produces changes in the nervous system because the meridians indirectly influence nerve pathways in the body. Such acupuncture-associated nerve changes are probably mediated by energy field fluctuations in the vicinity of the nerves and the glial cells which surround them."

With the i-LEAP training we've just completed, we are indeed tracking those blocked acupoints, imbalances in the system, and when relieved we can demonstrate that there is a change in the neurological pathways and the glial cells. Remember-our class of 9 are the first to be trained in i-LEAP in the United States.

What is Stress?

I had a client recently say, "Joy, you keep talking about 'stress', and how this energy kinesiology can relieve it. But what do you really mean by 'stress'?"

It was, of course, a good question. What I mean, and what he thinks I mean could be far across the field from each other.

In a session we are 'questioning' the internal system for what we term 'stress indicators'. Every stress indicator tells us a bit about the internal state, and that's the stress we are really interested in-the internal hidden state. We know what is going on in our outside lives that is stressful, but how is the body system interpreting or reacting to that external stress? THAT is the stress we are tracking.

Biological stress can be from nutritional deficiency, environmental toxins/pollutants, low level radiation, geopathic stress, electromagnetic stress, temperature changes, barometric changes, fatigue, hormonal fluctuations, biochemical changes, allerigies, medications and medical side effects. Add to this, emotional stress, fear, pain, rage, panic, and now add negative thought energies, belief systems, and finally, situational stress such as job loss, moving, new baby, divorce, death of a loved one. Just to top it off, add smoking, drinking and recreational drug use as well as loading up on over processed prepackaged foods.

Get the idea?

Our incredible body/mind/spirit system can handle an amazing amount of stress, but for all of us, there is a limit, and what is the limit for one may not be the limit for another. And. What the final straw is for one will also vary. The better we take care of ourselves the fewer 'stress indicators' we load ourselves with consciously.

We eat better, we get enough sleep, we start to meditate.
We start to change our friends so that the ones that bring us down are just not as important to us.
We start to take vitamins, we increase our oxygenating exercise.
We turn the tv off, especially the channels that endorse medical commercials because we understand that they are a negative field of fearbased influence.

And, if we are smart, we begin to come for sessions to an energy kinesiologist who will track and relieve the hidden, buried, and unconscious stress that our body has compartmentalized off and buried.

The fascinating thing for me, both as a energy kinesiologist client and as a practitioner is that it is painless, both physically and emotionally. This stress can be relieved and released without traumatizing us. The unconscious can relieve itself of the held tension and pain without revealing more than the client can handle consciously. We don't have to figure anything out. We don't have to worry the issue for 15 years of therapy. We can release the tension, and go on.

If you would like to experience an energy kinesiology session, do contact me or any of the fine EnK practitioners. We each work a bit differently so it's important to find someone that you resonate with.