I had a client recently say, "Joy, you keep talking about 'stress', and how this energy kinesiology can relieve it. But what do you really mean by 'stress'?"
It was, of course, a good question. What I mean, and what he thinks I mean could be far across the field from each other.
In a session we are 'questioning' the internal system for what we term 'stress indicators'. Every stress indicator tells us a bit about the internal state, and that's the stress we are really interested in-the internal hidden state. We know what is going on in our outside lives that is stressful, but how is the body system interpreting or reacting to that external stress? THAT is the stress we are tracking.
Biological stress can be from nutritional deficiency, environmental toxins/pollutants, low level radiation, geopathic stress, electromagnetic stress, temperature changes, barometric changes, fatigue, hormonal fluctuations, biochemical changes, allerigies, medications and medical side effects. Add to this, emotional stress, fear, pain, rage, panic, and now add negative thought energies, belief systems, and finally, situational stress such as job loss, moving, new baby, divorce, death of a loved one. Just to top it off, add smoking, drinking and recreational drug use as well as loading up on over processed prepackaged foods.
Get the idea?
Our incredible body/mind/spirit system can handle an amazing amount of stress, but for all of us, there is a limit, and what is the limit for one may not be the limit for another. And. What the final straw is for one will also vary. The better we take care of ourselves the fewer 'stress indicators' we load ourselves with consciously.
We eat better, we get enough sleep, we start to meditate.
We start to change our friends so that the ones that bring us down are just not as important to us.
We start to take vitamins, we increase our oxygenating exercise.
We turn the tv off, especially the channels that endorse medical commercials because we understand that they are a negative field of fearbased influence.
And, if we are smart, we begin to come for sessions to an energy kinesiologist who will track and relieve the hidden, buried, and unconscious stress that our body has compartmentalized off and buried.
The fascinating thing for me, both as a energy kinesiologist client and as a practitioner is that it is painless, both physically and emotionally. This stress can be relieved and released without traumatizing us. The unconscious can relieve itself of the held tension and pain without revealing more than the client can handle consciously. We don't have to figure anything out. We don't have to worry the issue for 15 years of therapy. We can release the tension, and go on.
If you would like to experience an energy kinesiology session, do contact me or any of the fine EnK practitioners. We each work a bit differently so it's important to find someone that you resonate with.