We've created quite an interesting mix in this country:
The people that have trained in trauma...what it is, how to help someone, how to talk it, how to guide them, are legally bound NOT to touch. Ah ah ah. Talk, don't touch. It violates their licensing to touch someone. I'm talking about Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers. Talk don't touch.
Then we have people licensed to touch. Ah! But they aren't allowed to talk. No 'talk therapy'. So emotional issues come up and LEGALLY they aren't allowed to deal with it or help their client. Massage therapists. Touch-don't talk.
When did we get so muddled? When did we divide the body from the mind? Legally? Licensing the separation? I've often said we've been villifying touch. We've literally outlawed it
and yet, we know that touch heals.
We know that touch calms.
We know that we crave touch, that cell talks to cell and that alone will shift people if they are ready.
So why have we come to this split and what will it take to reconcile it? Maybe kinesiology!