Emotions come and go like the waves, unless we assign meaning to them. If we hold them, and grow them or dam them up, the energy builds.
Emotion doesn't have shape and form. But if we give those emotions form, by taking the feelings and defining them then we have created a structure, and that structure is called 'belief'.
"I believe the world is unsafe" is the belief that comes from the emotion of fear, and the feeling in the body of that emotional tension and stress.
It's a bit like taking symptoms and calling them a particular disease. We name it and now it has a force, a structure, a reality.
Like taking a negative energy field, and then imagining a face and naming it and suddenly we have a demon. It's more real? Or is it still the same energy? Is the energy still the feeling? Is the feeling an emotion? And is the emotion inside us? Is that what started it? Was that the energetic attractor?
Playing with concepts. and forms. But in the Biblical text, we 'name' things to make them real. When 'God' named things, he made them come alive.
Maybe we should be careful what we name? Hmmm? What if we leave it in the undefined realm?