If we get what we think, and we think about other people, does our thinking about them create what we think about them too?
If it's a self-centered universe, and we are the creators of all, then yes, metaphysically, we are creating them and their experiences too.
But how does that fit with everyone having their own choices and making their own creations?
We FEEL what everyone thinks at us. And the more emotional charge their thoughts have, the more we feel it.
And we respond to their thoughts via our feelings about their thoughts, and we accept their thoughts or we repel their thoughts and in either case we are responding TO their thoughts.
Follow me?
1. Who are the people that occupy your thoughts?
2. What are the thoughts that fill your mind when you think of them?
3. Is it worry and concern, or is it happy and energizing?
4. Do you feed their limitation or their highest expectation?
5. Have they hypnotized YOU into feeding your energy into their limitation so that they have even more reason to stay where they are? Do you validate their limitations for themselves?
6. And how does feeding their limiting beliefs about themselves or their situation work for YOU?
7. Does it somehow make you feel better about yourself? Or does it make you feel needed, wanted?
Or does it justify you not moving too? It could be something else too, these are just a few that come to mind.
8. What might happen to THEM if YOU change your habitual thoughts about them?
9. I believe he is ... I see them as ... I know they will ...
and what do you FEEL coming at you from people?