Shamanic sight is said to be between the worlds. We walk with one foot in each. As I've become a brain geek with the last few years of training and practice, I realize so much of what the ancients have been telling us is about brain chemistry. They framed it in metaphor, in fairy tale, in myth. They told it with animals, with elements, with poetic imagry. They told it that way so that our mind would be engaged.
We remember the stories that way. We remember the characters. It's like animating academics. Really good technique for longevity, but what happens, is in getting it bare bones simple they've eliminated people that understand the intricacies. Well yes and no.
Because one you begin the exploration for yourself, and it is always a personal journey, you get to the ah ha moments. The longer you explore, the more ah has that you string together.
We are the observers. We watch. We also participate, but at a higher level, in a different way. We choose. So becoming shamanic means becoming the observer of interaction, and watching the space between, which means the energetic interaction, not the drama.
The effects of the drama. How do you change the course of a river? First you watch it. You must understand the flow before you can begin to know where or how to shift it. And then you do it with tiny nudges, and more watching. I think there is a myth from the movies of the shaman being loud big and in your face with masks and rattles and smoke and invoking BIG changes. That's Hollywood. It's dramatic.
More are quiet. Sit at the back of the room. Track the energy. Make a small shift like changing their seat. Then watching the room shift. They watch the room, and they watch what no one else is seeing. To become 'shamanic' means to become someone who notices what others miss. It means becoming an observer. If you intersect at just the right moment, you can use very little 'effort'. It's not about brut force. It's about invitation.